Monday, November 10, 2014

Lyden leaving and no more peanut butter!

Hey everyone!
This week has been stressful!

Me, Elder Lyden, Elder Aguilar, Elder Ledbetter outside Pizza Pipeline
Monday was a pretty good day, but it was mostly Elder Lyden saying bye.

We got to visit with the Mitmas and they actually bought us pizza at Pipeline Pizza and it was lots of fun. They had a raffle going and everyone at our table won! It was way fun!

We also got to see the Cuevas family and the Johnsons before we headed home. With Elder Lyden being transferred, I had to figure out rides for getting rid of him and getting to my new companion and just lots of new stressful learning experiences. He actually got his transfer call changed and ended up needing to go to the North Stake Center, while I had to go to the East Stake Center to get my companion. I was thoroughly frustrated at that, but the Bishopric was super helpful and made everything work out for the best.

That was pretty much how we spent Tuesday and now Elder Lyden is in Sandpoint, Idaho. Elder Larsen is great, we are learning a lot from each other and it's been fun getting to know him.  Larsen is from West Jordan, where Dad went to high school. He likes sports and is a hard worker. But he is allergic to peanuts -- so no peanut butter for me for a while -- Aagh! We taught several awesome lessons and even saw several miracles.

Wednesday was lots of miracles! We did service and had an interesting dinner as a result of one of our service projects. It was a candlelight dinner on the porch of an old Victorian home. We also got to see one of our favorite families and were able to give several of them blessings for different struggles they are going through. The father is way excited to get the Melchizidek priesthood soon and they are progressing like crazy now! We also got to watch several of the new Bible videos the church has put out recently on They are so cool!

Thursday Elder Larsen had District Leader training meeting, which was awesome because I got to be a trainer for a day! It was nuts! We walked all over town and got rejected several times. It was lots of fun though and he even bought me a donut! Such a big heart. 

Friday was zone conference and weekly planning, which meant we had very little time for proselyting. But we learned a lot and are going to start doing church tours soon. It's going to be great! Our ward mission leader came over and taught us how to plan more effectively and our area is about to go crazy! We're going to work way hard and baptize like we're in Brazil!
Leaves are turning in Spokane.

Saturday we did service literally all day. SO MANY LEAVES!!!! But it was really good and we made our church look much better with all the leaves raked up. We also worked out some of the troubles we'd been running into as a companionship that evening and things are going much better now. Our Ward Mission Leader bought us pizza for lunch and we took some funny pictures. It was way fun!

Sunday we had more miracles! The Cornwell Family came to church and I just couldn't stop smiling because i was so happy to see them! We also taught the Elders Quorum and it was an interesting and fun lesson. One of my favorite things that happened was after church we helped Sis. Dowell get all her kids out to the car and they were just so ridiculous and adorable! It was great! The Dowells are pretty much the best family ever! They're working on going to the temple soon and it's going to be so awesome!

That's pretty much been our week out here in Spocompton! 
Love to you all! Have a great week!
Elder Bryce Griffin

Fog sunset in Spokane


Elder Griffin, Elder Larsen and WML Bro. Johnson.

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