Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Dinner appointments, teaching, service and district meeting

Last week was such a good week. All around solid!

Monday for pday we picked Huckleberry's up in Sandpoint, I got a big bag of them and boy are they good! Afterwards we went to the Kesler's for dinner. Isaac, our mini missionary, handled himself really well when he taught the lesson for dinner. It was great.
Tuesday we had taco Tuesday at Kings and I had a great conversation with the owner Jules, She's great. Then we went to see a few different people, one new investigator we picked up is named Mike, He's an old biker and has 5 different, BEAUTIFUL Motorcycles. It was a really good lesson and he opened up a lot and asked lots of good questions. We had dinner with the Mullens, their always a pleasure. In the evening we also found another new family to work with, the shepherds. They're really nice and have some background with the church. It was a good talk and I'm excited to start teaching them.
Wednesday we sent Isaac on his way back home,
Mi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant
he really enjoyed the time with us and I'm excited for him to go on his mission. He's going to be a great missionary. After we sent him off, we went up to the Johnsons and helped them with some cleanup for their property. We also got to play with their puppies! They had 3 and they were adorable!!! Afterwards we came home and cleaned up, had lunch and got ready for the afternoon. We were able to have a few good contacts and share a little bit with 2 new potential investigators. Then we went to dinner at mi pueblo with the bates. Mi pueblo is goood food. 
Thursday we weekly planned and then saw Harvey, he's our main focus investigator. He's pretty great. He's 88 and has lots of family in the church and he's just embracing the gospel. Its great. We've been doing a lot of service helping to clean up his house for him and it's been really good. We spent the evening on splits and I went with one of the priests in the ward and had a good visit with Don Ivie. He's coming along slowly but surely.
Friday we had district meeting, we went out to Riley creek and had it on a little picnic table in the woods. It was really good and really spiritual. We all shared our testimonies of the atonement and how it's helped us and then all of us had lunch together out there. After district Meeting i went on exchanges and went to Sandpoint with Elder Page. Their apartment is HUGE! Especially compared to my little eagle's nest apartment. It was a nice change of pace and i enjoyed working with elder Page.
Riley Creek Campground/picnic area
Saturday we spent the day in town and had a really good lesson with Calvin. His girlfriend up to that point had been lukewarm and uninterested, but she couldn't help but listen to us and she ended up opening up to us and asking lots of questions which we were able to answer. It was great. We just watched as the spirit worked on her till she cracked. It was funny. For dinner we met Harvey at Mi Pueblo and he bought us dinner. It was really good and it was fun to sit and chat with Harvey for a little while. Then we finished out the evening doing my plan at the church. It was good. 
Sunday was a bit of a rough day, neither of us slept very well the night before and so we were both exhausted throughout church and then ended up sleeping for most of lunch and dinner time. IT was rough.
That was pretty much my week!
love ya'll!
Elder Bryce Griffin

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